  1. Carriage: The upper part of the machine can move freely from left to right when the key or space bar is depressed or touched.
 2. Carriage release lever: It allows the carriage to be moved freely to the left and right margins when depressed.
 3. Back Spacer: This moves the carriage backward, one space at a time. It is also used in calculating in display work or used when you want to type over a lightly struck letter. 
 4. paper grips: They are moveable rubbers on the paper bail. They hold the edges of the paper firmly against the platen. Before any typing work begins, they should be set to the required position.
 5. Paper bail: This Is a device on the carriage used to clamp the top part of the paper to the cylinder. It is moveable, marked with typing scale on which the paper grips are mounted.
 6. Platen/Cylinder: The platen or cylinder is a cylindrical roller on the carriage. It holds the paper in position, and when the knob is turned, it can be inserted or removed from the typewriter. 
 7. Cylinder knobs: This is used for turning the paper into position. It is situated at each end of the platen.
 8. Margin stop: The margin sets are used to fix the points at which the lines of the typewriter begin on the left and the right.
 9. Margin Release: This is used to move the carriage beyond margin stops. 
 10. Line space guage: This is the lever used to select the number of line spaces to be used while typing. 
 11. Ribbon switch: Disengaging the ribbon for cutting of stencil. 
 12. Keytop: This is the frontal part of the typewriter that contains all the alphabets, numbers, and symbol keys.
 13. Space bar: This is used to give spaces between words or characters. 
 14. Shift keys: They are used to change keys to type capital letters or lower case characters. The shift keys are two. They are placed on each side of the 
 15. Bell or warning ring: The bell is a warning guide towards the end of the right margin. The bell rings four to six spaces before the end of a line. 
 16. Interlinear: This type of typewriter deals with spacing or leading between lines of text.
 17. Paper Scale:- This serves as a guide in setting the left and right margins. It is graduated in scale.
 18. Paper release:- a moveable sideway device that guides paper when inserted into the typewriter. 
 19. Touch control adjuster:- This is the part of a typewriter that allows you to tailor the sensitivity of keys to your individual touch.
 20. Type basket:-the type basket of a typewriter contains the typebars and the mechanism linking them to the keys. 
 21. Shift Knob:- This is found at the end of the platen, which is pressed, enabling the typist to move the cylinder freely forward and backward. 
 22. Paper Table:- a titled shelf at the back of a typewriter's platen to support the paper. 
 23. Variable Line spacer:- control on the left-hand platen knob of a typewriter that disengages the line space lever to write at a position other than those usually turned up the ratchet. 
 24. Tabulator Bar or Key: it is used to release carriage, moving to a point where a tab stop has been set.

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