1. WHAT TURNS A MAN TO BREAD.” see what turns a man to bread - Proverbs 6:26(KJV).

“For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.”
AMP “For on account of a harlot a man is brought to a piece of bread, and the adulteress stalks and snares [as with a hook] the precious life [of a man].” May the Lord help us as the Holy Spirit illuminates our souls to truly have a strong grip on what He truly wants us to comprehend in Jesus name. Amen.
The passage above gives us very clear instruction on what happens to a man because of his negligence with a harlot. And what the pursuit of an adulteress is.
I want us to understand that, whenever a man loses his guard on his holiness, his right standing with God and his integrity of heart all because of a lady who is into having sex with men as a business(harlot), then the man definitely will be brought to ruin. Bread in this context does not mean the Bread of Life (Jesus Christ). Jesus Christ is not a piece of bread. He is the BREAD OF LIFE. The two do not mean the same thing. Being brought to a piece of bread simply means destruction. It means ruin. It means, food or prey. And, the use of food is consumed. When prey is caught, the only thing left is consuming it. And, after it has been consumed, IT IS ONLY USEFUL TO THE PERSON WHO CONSUMED IT. A man is being created by God and was given the sole right of procreating other men and women. An animal can't procreate humans, NO! One of the purposes, why he was created, was to be fruitful and replenish the earth, in the right way. Not by having sexual relations with another man or with a woman that does not rightfully belongs to him. Now, I want us to understand that, when there is a failure in the purpose of why a person is created, then it is destruction. When a man is turned into a piece of bread, it simply means that he has failed to exist as what he was meant to exist as. He was meant to be a man but, he has brought himself to be a piece of bread. That means he has reduced himself to a state of an object! For example, when God created man, God gave man the ability to multiply. Now, man has since then been creating things(innovation).
If an engineer is reduced to a car that he made and assembled, it means he is only worth that car and nothing more! So also, when a man has been reduced to a piece of bread, it means he has been reduced to a state of insignificance, he no longer has relevance. He is has been reduced from being the one who can create bread to become bread. And, that is only possible when a man has a sexual relationship with a harlot. My friend, God didn’t create you so that you can be turned into a useless thing. He didn’t create you so that you can be PREY! NO! If you become a prey, it only means, you turned yourself into one by your carelessness and love for sin. HOW THEN IS A MAN TURNED TO BREAD? The bible says, “for a whorish woman, a man is brought to a piece of bread..” Now, it is a process that resembles the consumption of meat by people especially a hunter when a hunter has seen an animal that he wants, he begins to do all that he knows how to do just for the sole reason to catch that animal. Now, when the animal(prey) is caught, the next to it is the slaughtering! At that point, the animal seizes to live! The animal no longer lives! But how does the hunter catches it? It is by his traps! What if the animal is sharp? The hunter will devise a more cunning way to get it. That “more cunning way” is still called, “TRAP.” So also, when a man loses his guard and carefulness. When he is no longer watchful, he has decided to trivialize his convictions or his Christian faith, when he has let go of righteousness when he is no longer taking heed, The whorish woman or a harlot. that is, the trap(sin) through which a man is turned into an insignificant entity. The whorish woman is like a trap in the hand of the devil through which he lures men into sin and by that, consumes them! THE WORTH OF A MAN AND THE WORTH OF A BREAD.

From the context of this verse, you will agree with me by the leading of the Holy Spirit that, a man is worth than a piece of bread. The verse shows a form of the reduction process. He is being reduced to be a piece of bread. In actual language, the man has all that it takes to create a whole bread, but, if a man has been reduced to what he was supposed to create, then it simply means that he is worthless. What is the use of prey when he will be consumed later?
The worth of a man is in clinching to the purpose why he was created without allowing traps(means) to bring him down to the state where his purpose will no longer be achievable! The bread’s worth? Does bread worth anything? Well, the only worth of bread is that bread is only useful to the person who will consume it. The bread’s worth is to perform the purpose of the person who owns it. The concluding part of the verse helps us to understand that, when an adulteress is stalking on a man, she will use herself just as a hook is used to attach, A MAN’S PRECIOUS LIFE!
This seems to me that, the devil has his way of hooking men and not letting them go until he has finally reduced them. He only hooks a precious life down. Whether you are a lady or you are a young man, you should know that the only thing the devil has that he uses to hook people whose lives are precious down from moving forward, is sinful lifestyles which can only be found in the life of a person who is still alive to the flesh. And, there is no way the devil can ever bring a righteous person down unless he throws his snares(traps) down for him to fall.
1 Peter 5:8
[8]Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:
1 Corinthians 10:12
[12]Wherefore let him that thinketh he stand to take heed lest he falls.

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