Common Prepositions in English Language



What is a preposition?

A preposition is a word or group of words used to show the relationship between nouns or pronouns and other words. it is generally used to describe position, direction, time, place, method e.t.c.

Prepositions are in thousands if not millions. Therefore only those the preposition that is common in day to day activities and in most examination question will be treated here. The prepositions that are confusing will be explained and sometimes with examples while those that pose no problem of understanding will be given without explanations or examples

Below are the common preposition and their meaning:-

1. Ask of- Request information about someone.

2. Ask after- Request information about someone's health or news about him.

3. Deal with. To punish someone; To manage to attend to something e.g A problem; to do business with somebody.

4. Made from:- The material used in making the product is no longer visible after making it e.g The cross soap I use for my clothes is made from palm oil.

5. Made of:- The material used in making the product is visible after making it e.g Chair is made of wood.

6. Die of:- illness, disease, difficult condition.

7. Die For:- what one believes in; a just cause.

8.  Live at:- A place that is not well known.

9. Live in:-  A place that is well known

10. Delivered From:- To rescue somebody from something.

11. Delivered To:- To take something to the places of people they are addressed to

12. In Bed:- The person is sleeping or sick or ill.

13. On Bed:-  The person is relaxing or sitting.

14. Wait on:- To stay near someone with the aim of providing what ne needs.

15. Wait For:- To be patient for someone to complete what he is doing.

16. ABide by- To obey a rule or regulation.

17. Abide With:- To remain and stay ina  place or with someone.

18. Angry with:- A person.

19. Angry At:- A thing or what someone says.

20 At hand:- Close; forthcoming; near e.g Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand.

21.In hand:- Available and reserved for future use e.g I can't  do a giveaway  now because the cash in hand is not enough for it.

22. Delivered Of:- A baby e.g Mrs Rotimi Was delivered of a baby.

23. On-time:- At the exact time.

24. In time:- Before the time.

25. Meet on the plane, on the bus, on the train, on the boat.

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