PHRASAL VERB And 20 Amazing Examples



A phrasal verb is a combination of a simple verb with an adverb or a preposition or both to make a new verb with a meaning that is different from that of the simple verb. some writers call it pre-positional idioms.


1. PEP UP - To make somebody or something more lively or energetic or happier.

USAGE-  Juliet's presentation pep up the whole show

2. Catch on - to understands or comprehend

Usage:- I doubt akin's ability to catch on to the lecturer's explanation in the online class.

3. Hear from- To receive a letter or telephone call from somebody.

USAGE- It has been a while I have heard from you.

4. Barge into;- To enter or interrupt something rudely and forcefully.

5. Bawl out:- to speak angrily to somebody.

6. Bluff into - to make somebody do something by deceiving him/her

7. Clampdown on- To become suddenly very strict about something; to use one's authority against somebody; to suppress

USAGE:- The chairman clamp down on Tunde because he refuses to be controlled.

8. Round up The police rounded up the arm robbers immediately after they started operating.

9. Peter out- To decrease or fade gradually before coming to an end

USAGE:- My love Roseline petered out when I discovered he was a single mum.

10. Eke out:- To manage to make a living; to make a small supply of something last longer by adding something else to it or by using it very carefully.

11. Bounce back: to Recover well after trouble, illness, or hardship.

12. Mow Down:- To kill people in large numbers.

13. Weasel out of:- To avoid doing something that one ought to do or has promised to do.

14.Fritter Away:- To waste one's time or money foolishly with no clear aims

15. Cork up:- to keep's one's feelings private and not express them.

16. Jerk out:- To say something awkwardly or nervously.

17. Break short:- To end something suddenly.

18. Inveigh Against:- To prevent somebody or something violently in words

19. Hush up:-To prevent something from becoming generally known because of the embarrassment it might cause.

20. Whittle down:- To reduce the size or number of something gradually.

21. Spruce up: To make oneself tidy and clean and smart.

22. Bury (oneself)in To concentrate deeply on something.

23. Hanker after To have a strong desire for something.

24. Tumble to:- To understand a situation or a hidden meaning.

25. Subscribe to:- To accept to receive updates about something. PLs, do that it is very necessary Share this with your friends if you found it interesting. 

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